My original games collection / Mi colección de juegos originales |
This is my collection of original games. They are all in tape format since I had a wonderful CPC464. These are the games that enjoyed me a lot hours. Here goes some closer photos: Esta es mi colección de juegos originales. Son todos en cinta ya que yo disfruté por aquel entonces de un flamante CPC464. Estos son los juegos que me tuvieron enganchado tantas y tantas horas. Veamos unas fotos más cercanas: |
14-01-2006 - Four new games buyed on ebay, all from Activision and with deluxe box: PREDATOR, SUPER HANG ON, QUARTET, CHAMPIONSHIP SPRINT. 14-01-2006 - Cuatro nuevos juegos adquiridos en ebay, todos de Activision y con caja deluxe: PREDATOR, SUPER HANG ON, QUARTET, CHAMPIONSHIP SPRINT. |
19-01-2006 - Six new games buyed on ebay, four with normal case and two with big case: Technician Ted, 007 Live And Let Die, Rambo III, Infiltrator, Gauntlet and Gauntlet II. 19-01-2006 - Seis nuevos juegos adquiridos en ebay, cuatro con caja normal y dos con caja grande: Technician Ted, 007 Live And Let Die, Rambo III, Infiltrator, Gauntlet and Gauntlet II. |
28-01-2006 - Twenty-three new games buyed on ebay, two with bug case and the others with normal case: Basketball Two-on-Two, Renaud, Mathday II, Risky Holding, Hercules - Slayer of the Damned, Mega-Apocalypse, California Games, Sub, Electric Wonderland, Pacific, Operation Gun Ship, Driller, Hypersports, Motos, Time Scanner, Skateball, Thunderbirds, Tensions, ISS - Increible Shrinking Sphere, Marauder, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Purple Saturn Day, Xybots. 28-01-2006 - Veintitrés nuevos juegos adquiridos en ebay, dos con caja grande y el resto con caja normal: Basketball Two-on-Two, Renaud, Mathday II, Risky Holding, Hercules - Slayer of the Damned, Mega-Apocalypse, California Games, Sub, Electric Wonderland, Pacific, Operation Gun Ship, Driller, Hypersports, Motos, Time Scanner, Skateball, Thunderbirds, Tensions, ISS - Increible Shrinking Sphere, Marauder, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Purple Saturn Day, Xybots. |
Cover/Portada |
List of Games / Lista de juegos |
Download |
007 La espia que me amo (The spy who loved me) |
007 Live And Let Die |
1943 |
Abu Simbel Profanation |
ACE2 |
Airwolf 2 (Sealed/Precintado) |
Almirante Graf Spee |
Amsdraw I |
Animal, Vegetal, Mineral |
Antares |
Arkanoid |
Artura |
Auf Wiedersehen Monty |
Avenger |
Back to the Future |
Basketball Two-on-Two |
Basket Master (Fernando Martin) |
Bat Man |
Bedlam (Sealed/Precintado) |
Black Tiger (Sealed/Precintado) |
Bomb Jack II |
Breakthru |
Brian Jacks Superstar Challenge |
Bubble Ghost |
California Games |
Carlos Sainz |
Champioship Sprint |
Charlie Chaplin (Sealed/Precintado) |
Colossus Chess 4 |
Comando Quatro |
Cray 5 (Sealed/Precintado) |
Cybernoid II (Sealed/Precintado) |
Data Amstrad 14 |
Data Amstrad 15 |
Dinamic 90 - Pack (Navy Moves, Bestial Warrior, Rescate Atlantida, comando Tracer, Aspar GP Master) |
Donkey Kong |
Double Dragon |
Double Dragon II: The Revenge |
Dragon Ninja (Bad Dudes VS) |
Dragons Of Flame |
Driller |
El Gran Halcon (Hudson Hawk) |
El Laberinto Del Sultan (Sultan's Maze) |
El misterio del Nilo (Sealed/Precintado) |
Electric Wonderland |
Emilio Butragueño |
Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters |
Fernando Martin (Basket Master) |
Flyspy |
Formula 1 Simulator |
Fruit Machine |
Gauntlet |
Gauntlet II |
¡Genial! - Pack (Out Run, Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, Thunder Blade, Vigilante) |
Gold, Silver, Bronze - Pack (Summer Games I, Summer Games II, Winter Games) |
Golden Axe |
Golpe en la Pequeña China (Big Trouble in Little China) |
Green Beret |
Guerrilla War |
Gunship |
Helicoptero 2000 |
Hercules - Slayer of the Damned |
Howard the Duck |
Hyperbowl |
Hypersports |
Ikari Warriors |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom |
Infiltrator |
ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere |
Italia 1990 (World Cup Soccer '90) |
Kick Off (Sealed/Precintado) |
Kick Off 2 |
Laser Squad (Sealed/Precintado) |
Line Of Fire |
Livingstone Supongo |
Lorna |
Mad Mix Game |
Magic Johnson's Basketball |
Marauder |
Martianoids |
Mask |
Master Chess |
Matchday II |
MAX Maximum Action Xtra - Pack (Turrican II, ST Dragon, Line Of Fire, Night Shift) |
Mega-Apocalypse |
Megachess (Sealed/Precintado) |
Meganova |
Molecule Man |
Moto X Simulator (Sealed/Precintado) |
Motor Bike Madness |
Motos |
Muggins The Spaceman |
Ninja Master |
Off Shore Warrior |
Oh Mummy |
Operation Gun Ship |
Operation Thunderbolt |
Out Run |
Out Run Europa |
Pacific |
Phantis |
Phantom Club |
Ping Pong |
Plaga Galactica (Galactic Plage) |
Platinum - Pack (Black Tiger, Strider, Forgotten Worlds, Ghouls'n Ghosts) |
Predator |
Procesador De Texto (Amsword) |
Psyborg |
Purple Saturn Day |
Quartet |
Raid (Sealed/Precintado) |
Rambo III |
Regreso al Futuro III (Back to the Future III) |
Renaud |
Renegade III (The Final Chapter) |
Rescate Atlantida |
Risky Holding |
Robocop |
Saboteur II |
Sas Combat Simulator |
Scuba Kidz |
Sigma 7 |
Silkworm |
Skateball |
Skateboard Kidz |
Skull & Crossbones |
Shackled |
Short Circuit (Cortocircuito) |
Soviet Fighter Mig 29 (Sealed/Precintado) |
Space Harrier II |
Speed King |
Speed Zone (Sealed/Precintado) |
Star Raiders II |
Star Wars |
Storm |
Street Gang FootBall |
Sub |
Super Hang On |
Super Off Road |
Super Sam |
Super Wonder Boy |
Superman (The Man of Steel) |
Super Sprint |
Sweevo's World (Sealed/Precintado) |
Technician Ted |
Tensions |
Tetris |
The Curse of Sherwood |
The Great Escape |
Thing Bounces Back |
Three Weeks in Paradise |
Thunderbirds |
Time Machine |
Time Scanner |
Top Gun |
Tortugas Ninja (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles) |
Tortugas Ninja 2 (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op) |
Total - Pack (Arkanoid II, Combat School, Platoon, Target Renegade) |
Turbo Girl |
Uchi-Mata |
Venom Strikes Back (Mask 3) |
War Cars (Construction Set) |
Warlock |
Wec Le Mans |
Winter Games |
WWF Wrestlemania |
Xcel |
Xevious |
Xybots |
Yie Ar Kung-Fu |
Zombi |
Zorro |